Tuesday, October 21, 2008

School days, school days dear old golden rule days...

Aidan started pre school today! He was so excited, he woke up at 4am wanting to go but I made him lay back down and watch a movie in his room so he could get more sleep. He asked for a play by play of what needed to be done before we left for school also and when we were getting ready to leave he saw a school bus drive by and he thought he missed it! He started crying and telling me the bus left him but when I told him mommy would take him he was okay. As soon as we walked in the door for school, he took off his backpack and covered the following subjects with his teacher in under 2.5 sec.
* Thomas on his backpack
* He loves Thomas and Percy and James
* Asked if she had any Thomas
* Showed her his 'new' shoes
* Showed her the lights on his 'new' shoes
* Asked her if they were cool 'new' shoes
She just laughed. He was so excited! Aidan has his first field trip on friday to the pumpkin patch. His teacher is in our ward and I think she is really great. He has other kids to play with, is able to learn and have a more structured environment to get him ready for school and primary in January.


Todd and Kristie said...

So cute! I love all of your pictures! Blog stalking really is the greatest- it's half the reason any of us create them in the first place. ha ha ha I like your countdown, too. hee hee

Lynch said...

He's so stinking cute! I cant wait to see them this weekend!

Chad and Kristen said...

Um I have one word....JEALOUS!!!! I have a stage3 Mommys Boy on my hands...Austin still has a hard time getting out of the car to go into pre school...luckily he does great in his sunbeams class!!