Thursday, October 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Harry!

Harry turned 1 today! I know everyone says it - but I really can't believe its been a year already. He is so adorable. I can't stand it!!! :) Jeff and I got Harry this toy that blows the balls into the air. Aidan and Harry both thought it was pretty hilarious.

Papa and Gran are visiting this week from Georgia. They took the boys to the park where Harry played til he could no longer stand and Aidan played for three hours. They had a blast!

Of course we had to give Harry some cake. Aidan picked out a Nemo cake for Harry. I had to fight Aidan off for awhile but we did let him blow out the candles.

The end result - a blue baby in a blue bath.


Shelley said...

I bought the ball popper after seeing it at Kim's house. My kids thought it was the funnest thing ever invented. Then Christy's kids loved it so much, she had to get one! Good choice on the toy!

Lynch said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY! I'm a little late, I know, but I can't beleive he is 1 either. Time just goes by way too fast. I love the picture of him by the tub, with his blue face. What a friggin stud!

Lynch said...

By the way....Noah and I cant wait to come up to your house this weekend. Noah wants to leave right now. Its gonna ROCK!

Chad and Kristen said...

Happy Birthday Harry!!! So you have a son named Harry, and Bob??! What happened to Aiden?!?!?
(BTW, I love your tub!!!)