Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Warning: Cheese to be produced.

I hope everyone took just a minute to remember our soldiers fighting for freedom. Wether you support the war or not - always remember that they are our brothers and sisters. And they chose to fight. For freedom. For the freedom of speech people use to protest the war and often times the soldiers. Home of the Free....Because of the Brave.

In Pocatello, we took Aidan to the parade downtown. We met up with Aidan's playgroup so obviously we have a blast! I even got Jeff to go with us. I was so excited! Its always more fun to have everyone there.

This is the fabulous group of people from Aidan's playgroup. We always have so much fun with them.

In Salt Lake, Jordan Credit Union had a float - and since we know people (shout out to my mama!) Aidan was able to BE in this parade! He sat on the float for some of it and walked around giving out otter pops and squirting people too. He had so much fun.

Jeff walked too. He was having far too much fun! He kind of stayed behind to play Robin Hood with the popsicles, giving them to people who looked like they might cry when they didn't get one. I love the girls anticipation in this picture! :)

1 comment:

Chad and Kristen said...

Why did you have to mention otter pops....I have a whole box with my name written all over it!!!