Saturday, February 16, 2008


The boys are just fine. We had Harry checked out yesterday just to be safe and everything is fine. I went up to the ER on Valentines Day because I could barely hold my head up without crying, but everything was fine then too. Severe Whiplash was the order of the day. He said he would have like to put me in a neck brace but they found out it takes longer to heal when you have one. Thank heavens!!! So I got some Ibuprofren and some Lortab. I also have laryngitis from the accident. How? In all my stupidity (at that time I thought it was taking care of my children from the outside) I stood in the snow for over an hour with my hair wet and frozen to my head. Thankfully my mom is up this weekend so she has been helping Jeff take care of the boys so I can get some rest.


Jake said...

So, did you get a muscle relaxant? When I got in my wreck the doctor sent me to physical therapy and gave me a hefty supply of muscle relaxants.

Well, I'm glad that you are okay!

Chad and Kristen said...

Thank goodness for insurance!!! I feel so bad you are injured.... I have only had a mild case of whiplash and I felt horrible.....get feeling better!!