Thursday, February 28, 2008

Last of the accident.....

Hopefully! I went and had x-rays done on monday. Nothing is broken....I kind of figured that. But it was positive for muscle spasms. Ok. The dr. wants to wait and see how I feel in the next day or so and see if he wants to give me muscle relaxers. However, I am nursing and am also responsible for 2 small children 24 hours a day. I don't think thats going to work. So I went and got a massage on tuesday and I'm going again on Saturday with my mommy. It is soooo amazing!!! The girl I went to is absolutely fantastic. I'll probably just go one more time after that. We want to get this all settled!! We still have a rental. We were in a Chevy 4 door truck first until they were able to get us an SUV. We got an Xterra and I have been so annoyed with the lack of space we traded it back for the Chevy. In order for Aidan to have any kind of leg room in his seat I had to pull my seat up with my knees touching the glove compartment. Glad we never bought one. :)


ashtrost said...

I would have never guessed that about an Xterra.

Chad and Kristen said...

That is sooo good to know...Chad and I were thinking of getting an Xterra but for sure not now...I am so much taller than you, I dont think it would even be an option.

I hope you are all feeling better by now!!