Saturday, December 12, 2009

We had an early Christmas with Nana and Gramps last night. (pictures to come) and it was great! The boys got some movies, books and light sabres, Jeff and I both got iPod docking stations - he will take his to the office - and we got a Wii. I asked Jeff for one, but I honestly didn't think he would get it. He has never really been a big video game fan, but he is loving the Wii! I haven't had much chance to play, but the 15 minutes I did play today has made my arm incredibly sore. I think its going to be great to get the family moving and its something we can all do together.

Aidan's favorite game is bowling. He's really pretty good at it when he gets going! Harry just likes to hold it and pretend he is playing. Cute kids!

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