Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Till we meet again...

When I was working at the funeral home I had the opportunity to meet the Prophet when a member of the Seventy passed away. I had stayed late to finish up a few things and me and the Janitor were the only ones left. The viewing was that night and we weren't expecting anyone for a few hours. Suddenly the janitor came running into my office saying "he's here! The Prophet is here!" My whole body started to shake! I was so nervous! What would I say? What would I do? Will he know my secrets? It was silly - but seriously - what do you say? He walked (briskly, I might add - I think the cane was a gimmick! lol) and on his way out he stopped to shake our hands and say hello. Though their were only the 3 of us in that room, I can honestly tell you that I have never felt so crowded as I did then. I can still feel and "see" the many spirits/angels that follow him. It was amazing. I knew at that moment that I never really had a testimony othat he was the true Prophet of the church until that moment. Nothing will ever compare to that day.

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