Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Christmas Time!

We spent Christmas in Salt Lake this year. We stayed the night at my moms. Me and Jeff went to a Christmas Eve party at his friend Mark's home. We watched football and ate food. Jeff was able to see his old friends from Enterprise which I know he enjoyed! On our way home we got the sad news from my mom that Aidan was throwing up. He was sick all night. It was so sad!

This was the first year that Aidan knew and understood what Santa does, which made it even more fun for me! We couldn't keep any of the presents under the tree because Aidan would find a way to try to open them. Clever little child. So I got to put everything out on Christmas Eve which was a blast! I woke up at 5am and could hardly wait. I was so excited for Aidan. I went in and woke up Aidan at 8 (since he was sick I wanted to let him sleep a little). He didn't want to wake up but I told him Santa had come so he came unwillingly with me to the front room. His face just lit up when he saw everything! He got Thomas the Train railroad tracks, clothes, books, a was insane. After about 4 presents he decided he had enough and just started playing. We couldn't pay him to open anymore, so we opened them for him! I got a bunch of movies, some clothes and some other fabulous things. Jeff got a lot of tools and a bunch of other things. We had so much fun! We videotaped Christmas morning, but sadly didn't get many pictures since Aidan wasn't feeling good and didn't want to open anything. I got a few though.

The 3rd picture is the day after Christmas. Aidan was still really sick, Harry was out and Christmas presents strewn about the house!

1 comment:

Chad and Kristen said...

judging by the presents under the tree I would have to say that you all were very very good this year!!!! Poor Aiden I hope he is feeling better!!