Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"Be prepared..."

We hear this in church all the time. So how many of us follow this very important teaching? I would love to say that we do. But we don't. We don't have food storage. We don't have a savings right now. We will absolutely be working on these 2 problems as soon as we are moved into our home next month. If we are smart with our money and make an effort to start the storage - it will be quite easy, we just have to do it.

Last week my father-in-law suddenly had to have a triple bypass. This morning, our neighbors house caught on fire and melted the siding on my grandma's home.

My father-in-law is healing. He is a very healthy man with a loving wife who is a nurse so she is able to help him as much as she can. Hopefully he will be home to stay this week so he can get back to semi-normalcy. I no doubt chalk his healing up to him being as healthy as he is.

Our neighbors home is a complete total loss. They lost a dog, cars, clothing and family pictures and other special things. They are alive and healthy and....smiling.

So here is a question I want to ask you. Are you prepared? Not with your savings or your food storage, but emotionally? Will you be able to cope? Do you have your loving Heavenly Father to lean on? Family? Friends? Have you made memories that will live on - no matter what happens to you or your home - with your children? Are you healthy enough to get through the trials that will be given to you?

No. I don't know that I am.

When I came out of the house (because I heard glass breaking) I saw all the people standing around, the mailman was on the phone yelling that they needed to get there fast. I turned my head to the side and saw the flames coming out of the garage. A guy was yelling at me to get everyone out of the house (things were starting to pop and break). I ran into the house, suddenly out of breath and panicking. I got my grandma and Harry out of the house safely. While I was in the house, I looked around to see what I could grab. I grabbed my phone and my purse. Interesting. A man helped me move our cars that were next to the house and the heat was almost intolerable. I have to say, I was quite disappointed in myself. I should be under more control. More aware so I can do what needs to be done. Then I can panic. Its what I've done before, and I prefer it that way. So I sat on the grass with my grandma and sick son and gave what bottled water we had and diet cokes to the family and firemen.

I have become lazy in my prayers and scripture study. I have become lazy when it comes to keeping the house clean and organized. It makes sense that my mind would also become lazy.

As far as my father-in-law goes, I know I'm not healthy enough to recover as well as he has. Me and my family could use some more "health" in our home. No question. And thats about to start happening right away.

So to sum it up: WHEN something horrible happens to you or someone in your family, will you be prepared?

1 comment:

Chad and Kristen said...

UNFORTUNATELY, we have reminders like this happen to us, and around us. That is so scary!! We definitely need to be more prepared in my family, and then I think the lesson to learn is, to never STOP preparing, because I don't think anyone will can ever be completely 100% prepared. But as long as we are trying, it leads us to a better place than we were before.