Friday, December 26, 2008

Throughout the day...

They had to take a bath. Fortunately they didn't have to leave new Christmas toys alone in order to do so. Harry got new bath toys from a very thoughtful Santa.

Jeff played with his new camera - hopefully this doesn't mean more pictures of me. Let's hope he knows whats good for him...

Harry wore Aidan's watch when Aidan didn't want to.

They played...
And played....


AmyC ~ said...

New camera? what kind of new camera? I got a new one too, no more double

PennilessCaucasianRubbish said...

Yeah for more pics of YOU... Let him take 'em!! You're lovely. You'll never regret having them when you're an old woman either... ;o)

Yeah for playing with new toys! Yeah for Christmas!

BIG hugs