Friday, April 11, 2008

My little hero!

Thursday night was Aidan's first soccer game! He was entertaining. I was carrying Harry in my little pack and holding the camera while periodically chasing Aidan to round him back to the field.
While our team has 3year olds and a couple 4 year olds, the other team had 4 & 5 year olds! And all boys!! We finally had our one other boy show up and Aidan and him get along great. I have a lot of pictures of the two of them wrestling and chasing each other. It was great! I think Jeff might hurt me for volunteering him to coach though. I love you Peff!

Gathering the children....most were off eating or sitting with their parents.

Aidan kicked the ball!!!

The ball was taken from him and then some punk stepped on his back when he fell down. Poor thing!

Yes. Thats the game in the background.


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