Thursday, October 18, 2007

Harrison Stone Hollomon

Harrison Stone Hollomon was born on Tuesday October 16, 2007 at 9:07 pm.

He weighed 7 lbs and was 19 3/4 in long. Before we left the hospital on Thursday he had gained 1 oz!

I was induced at 2:00 pm and things got started a little slow, but as soon as Dr. Jones broke my water things started moving! At 5:00 I was at 5cm and 75% effaced. I got the epidural at 6 cm and at 8:00 I was 10cm and ready to go, we just had to wait for Harry to drop some more. At about 8:30 I started to push with Jeff, my mom and the nurse. The dr. came in just in time to catch little Harry. It was really a great experience. Aidan has been so good. He first told us to send the baby home, but now he gives him kisses and thinks the baby is funny. He is really doing well. Jeff is just beside himself. He loves his boys more than anything!

By the way - he kinda looks like Kevin! We thought he looked just like Aidan when he was born. Then when I woke up - he looked totally different. But I still know he is our little Harry.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


I had my very last dr. appt on Thursday! Everything is happening fast now! I'm set to be induced on Tuesday, October 16th. After we set that time, I've been so nervous! I'm so excited though and I can't wait to be done being pregnant so that we can meet this little guy. I'm supposed to call the hospital at 6am tuesday to find out what time we need to be up there. I really hope its early! I had to wait until 10am for Aidan and I was going crazy! I have a bunch of stuff to do tomorrow so we will be ready for him. My mom is coming to stay the week with us on Tuesday and my sisters are coming up friday. I'm so excited!! Jeff has been letting slip how excited he is too. I don't point it out to him because I don't want him to stop telling me these adorable things. Like how he is so excited to give him his first bath and have him hold his finger. He is asking about how the whole birthing process works and is actually curious! I think he was more scared last time. I'm scared. But I know its totally going to be worth it!